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Trang chủ » 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체? 귀여운 새로운 스타일로 변신하세요!

귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체? 귀여운 새로운 스타일로 변신하세요!

Vlog # 캐나다 유학생 ; 공포의 첫 귀걸이 교체 브이로그 ; 설명참고

귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체

귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체를 하기 위해서는 반드시 준비해야 할 것들이 있습니다. 귀걸이 선택, 귀걸이 교체를 위한 필수 도구 준비, 귀걸이 교체 방법, 그리고 귀걸이 교체 후 유의사항과 관리 방법을 알아볼까요?

귀걸이 선택 시 고려해야 할 요인

귀걸이를 선택할 때는 자신의 스타일과 이미 가지고 있는 옷들과 잘 어울리는 디자인을 고려해야 합니다. 또한, 귀가 예민한 분들은 금속 알러지가 있을 수 있으니, 자신에게 잘 맞는 재질로 제작된 귀걸이를 선택하는 것이 좋습니다. 무엇보다도 귀 구멍의 크기와 귀에 피어싱을 한 뒤 지난 시간을 고려해서 귀걸이의 크기를 선택해야 합니다.

귀걸이를 선택하는 데 도움이 되는 팁

귀걸이를 선택할 때는 디자인 뿐만 아니라 귀걸이의 무게도 중요한 요인입니다. 무거운 귀걸이를 착용하면 귀가 아프거나 귀를 늘려 귀걸이를 꽂을 수 없을 수도 있습니다. 따라서, 귀걸이를 선택할 때는 가벼운 재질로 제작된 것을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한, 귀걸이를 착용하는 자리와 자신의 얼굴형을 고려해서 선택하는 것이 좋습니다.

귀걸이 교체를 위한 필수 도구 준비하기

귀걸이를 교체할 때 필요한 도구들은 다음과 같습니다.

1. 귀걸이
2. 귀걸이 후크 또는 핀셋
3. 손소독제 및 면봉
4. 새로운 귀걸이 및 귀걸이 청소용 알코올

귀걸이 교체 방법

귀걸이 교체를 하기 전에 꼭 준비해야 할 것은 새로운 귀걸이, 귀걸이 후크 또는 핀셋, 그리고 손소독제 및 면봉입니다.

1. 귀걸이 교체를 위한 준비 사항

먼저, 손을 깨끗이 씻고 손소독제로 손을 소독합니다. 귀 구멍을 청결하게 닦아서 귀에 뭔가 묻어있는지 확인합니다. 그리고 새로운 귀걸이를 손으로 집어서 귀구멍에 꼽습니다.

2. 귀걸이 교체 방법 단계별 설명

1) 귀걸이 후크 또는 핀셋을 사용하여 귀걸이를 귀구멍에서 빼냅니다.
2) 손 소독제를 사용하여 손을 깨끗하게 만듭니다.
3) 새로운 귀걸이를 귀구멍에 꼽습니다. 핀셋이나 후크로 귀걸이를 귀구멍 안쪽에 끼워주고, 내츄럴리 귀구멍 방향으로 길게 넣어주면 쉽게 착용할 수 있습니다.
4) 귀걸이를 귀구멍에 꼽았다면, 귀를 가볍게 눌러서 귀걸이가 더욱 꽉 잡히도록 돕습니다. 그리고, 다른 귀에도 귀걸이를 착용합니다.

3. 귀걸이 교체 후 유의사항 및 관리 방법

– 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간: 귀를 처음 뚫은 후 1-2주 정도는 귀가 아프거나 붓는 경우가 있습니다. 이러한 증상이 지속된다면 의사에게 상담하시길 권장합니다.
– 귀걸이 교체 더쿠: 귀걸이 교체는 최소 2주, 3주 가량 이후에 해야합니다.
– 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 빼기: 귀걸이를 교체할 때는 귀걸이를 빼는 것도 중요합니다. 특히 귀걸이를 계속 착용하다보면 먼지나 물 또는 기름등이 끼일 수 있기 때문에 일정 기간마다 청소 및 교체를 하시는 것이 좋습니다.
– 피어싱 자리에 귀걸이: 귀 건강을 위해서도 가능하면 귀걸이를 착용한 상태로 귀건조제를 바르는 것이 좋습니다. 이것이 귀 구멍을 환경적으로 목욕하는 것입니다.
– 귀뚫고 관리 : 귀 뚫은 곳은 항상 청결을 유지해야 합니다. 귀걸이를 착용하기 이전, 저녁 등 외부 세균이 많이 배양된 시간대에는 주의해야합니다.
– 링 귀걸이 언제부터: 링형 귀걸이를 착용할 수 있게 되는 시기는 개인적으로 다르지만 보통 2-3개월 정도 지나면 가능합니다.
– 귀걸이 소독 : 새로운 귀걸이를 착용할 때와 귀구멍을 관리할 때, 귀걸이 건강을 위해서 소독을 해야합니다.
– 피어싱 교체 방법 : 피어싱 교체는 최소 2주간은 해서는 안되고, 앞으로도 쉬운 삭제 및 교체를 위해 첨부된 지시에 따라 한꺼번에 착용하는 것이 좋습니다.


Q: 귀걸이 교체는 언제 해야 하나요?
A: 귀걸이 교체는 최소 2주, 3주 가량 이후에 해야합니다.

Q: 귀걸이 교체 전에 준비해야 할 것은 무엇인가요?
A: 귀걸이, 귀걸이 후크 또는 핀셋, 손소독제 및 면봉, 그리고 귀걸이 청소용 알코올 등이 필요합니다.

Q: 귀걸이를 매일 착용해도 되나요?
A: 귀걸이를 매일 착용해도 되지만, 피부가 예민한 분들은 불편을 느낄 수 있습니다.

Q: 귀걸이는 어떤 종류가 좋은가요?
A: 자신의 스타일과 얼굴형에 맞는 귀걸이를 선택하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 또한, 귀가 예민한 분들은 재질을 고려해야 합니다.

Q: 귀걸이를 교체할 때 주의해야 할 점은 무엇인가요?
A: 귀걸이를 착용하기 이전, 저녁 등 외부 세균이 많이 배양된 시간대에는 주의해야합니다. 또한, 귀걸이를 착용할 때는 귀걸이 무게와 귀걸이 크기를 고려해야 합니다. 그리고, 귀걸이를 교체할 때는 핀셋이나 후크를 사용하는 것이 안전합니다.

Q: 귀걸이를 착용하다 보면 끼일 수 있는 것들이 있나요?
A: 귀걸이를 착용하고 다니면서 먼지, 물, 기름 등이 끼이는 경우가 있을 수 있습니다. 이러한 경우 일정한 주기로 귀걸이를 청소하고 교체하는 것이 좋습니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간, 귀걸이 교체 더쿠, 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 빼기, 피어싱 자리에 귀걸이, 귀뚫고 관리, 링 귀걸이 언제부터, 귀걸이 소독, 피어싱 교체 방법

Categories: Top 37 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체

Vlog # 캐나다 유학생 ; 공포의 첫 귀걸이 교체 브이로그 ; 설명참고

여기에서 자세히 보기:

귀 뚫고 아무는 기간

귀 뚫고 아무는 기간 or “the period of no restrictions after ear piercing” has become a popular trend in Korea. It refers to the time period where one can freely wear any type of earring or accessory without worrying about infection or any other complications after getting their ears pierced. In this article, we will delve deeper into the tradition of 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간, its significance, and what you need to know before taking part in this trend.

History and Significance

Ear piercing has been a common ritualistic practice around the world since ancient times. It was initially done for various spiritual and cultural reasons, but nowadays, people get their ears pierced as a form of self-expression or fashion statement. In Korea, ear piercing is often seen as a rite of passage for young girls and boys. Parents usually get their children’s ears pierced when they are still babies or toddlers, but some opt to wait until their children are older to allow them to choose the location or style of the earrings they want to wear.

The tradition of 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간 started as a way to celebrate the completion of the healing process after getting your ears pierced. It takes approximately six weeks for the earlobe to heal fully after the piercing, and during this time, one needs to follow proper care and hygiene guidelines to avoid infection or any other complications. Once the six-week period is over, people can finally let loose and wear any type of earrings or accessories they desire without worrying about damaging their earlobes or affecting the healing process.

Nowadays, 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간 has become a popular trend in Korea, especially among young women. It has become somewhat of a symbol of independence and self-expression. Women often use this period to experiment with different earring styles, from simple studs to bold hoops, and even mismatched earrings. It is also a way for them to show off their individuality and personality through their fashion choices.

What You Need to Know Before Getting Your Ears Pierced

Before you embark on the journey of the 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간, there are a few things you need to be aware of. First and foremost, you need to ensure that the piercing procedure is done correctly to avoid any complications during the healing process. Here are some things to keep in mind before getting your ears pierced:

Choose a professional piercer – Make sure that you go to a piercing studio that follows strict hygiene and safety regulations. Check online reviews or ask for recommendations from friends who have had their ears pierced before.

Use a sterile piercing gun – Piercing guns should be used with sterile one-time-use cartridges to avoid any contamination. Be wary of places that reuse piercing guns or cartridges.

Select hypoallergenic earrings – If you have sensitive skin, it is important to use hypoallergenic earrings to avoid any allergic reactions.

Take proper care of your pierced ears – Follow the aftercare instructions given by the piercer, such as cleaning the area with saline solution and avoiding certain activities like swimming or sleeping on the side of the piercing.

What You Can Do During the 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간

Once the six-week healing period is over, you can finally enjoy the freedom of wearing any type of earring or accessory you desire. Here are some things you can do during the 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간:

Experiment with different earring styles – Try out different stud sizes or shapes, hoops, or even trendy earrings like ear cuffs or threader earrings.

Mix and match earrings – It is now trendy to wear mismatched earrings, so you can mix and match different styles and create your unique look.

Accessorize with statement pieces – You can also accessorize with statement earrings, which can give a bold and unique look to your outfit.


1. Is getting your ears pierced painful?

The pain level varies from person to person, but most people describe it as a quick pinch or pressure sensation. However, the pain is usually temporary and will subside after the piercing is complete.

2. Can I get an infection after getting my ears pierced?

Yes, there is a risk of infection after getting your ears pierced if you do not follow proper care and hygiene guidelines during the healing process. Make sure to clean the area regularly with saline solution, avoid touching the area with dirty hands, and avoid swimming or exposing the area to other sources of bacteria.

3. Can I wear earrings during the healing process?

It is best to avoid wearing earrings during the healing process to allow the piercing to heal properly. However, if you need to wear earrings, make sure to use hypoallergenic earrings and avoid earrings made from materials that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.


The tradition of 귀 뚫고 아무는 기간 in Korea has become a fashionable trend, allowing people to express themselves and experiment with different earring styles. However, it is crucial to follow proper care and hygiene guidelines during the healing process to avoid any complications. Make sure to choose a professional piercer, use hypoallergenic earrings, and take care of your ears properly to ensure a smooth healing process. Once the six-week healing period is over, feel free to experiment with different earring styles and showcase your unique fashion sense.

귀걸이 교체 더쿠

귀걸이 교체 더쿠 (Earring Replacement Dukoo) is a popular service in Korea where customers can easily replace the hook or stud on their earrings to match their outfits or personal preferences. This service is especially popular among women who enjoy accessorizing and want to keep their jewelry collection up-to-date without having to purchase new earrings every time they want to switch up their look.

In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of the 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 service, including how it works, the types of earrings that can be replaced, and the benefits of using this service. We will also address some commonly asked questions to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the service.

How does 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 work?

The process of 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 is relatively simple. Most jewelry stores offer this service, and customers can bring in their existing earrings to have the hooks or studs replaced with new ones. Depending on the store, customers may be able to choose from a variety of hook or stud options, including different materials, colors, and styles.

Once the customer has selected their desired hook or stud, the jewelry store staff will carefully remove the old hook or stud from the earring and replace it with the new one. Depending on the complexity of the earring design and the type of hook or stud being replaced, the process can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour.

What types of earrings can be replaced?

The 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 service can be used on almost any type of earring that features a hook or stud. This includes dangle earrings, chandelier earrings, hoop earrings, and more. In general, as long as the earring has a hook or stud that can be removed, it can be replaced with a new one.

It’s worth noting, however, that some earring designs may be more complex than others, which can make the 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 process more difficult. For example, earrings with multiple dangling pieces, intricate designs, or delicate materials may require more care when replacing the hook or stud to avoid damaging the earring itself.

What are the benefits of using 귀걸이 교체 더쿠?

There are several benefits to using the 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 service, including:

1. Cost savings: Rather than purchasing new earrings every time you want to switch up your look, you can simply replace the hook or stud on an existing pair. This can save you money in the long run and help you get more use out of your existing jewelry collection.

2. Customization: With the ability to choose from a variety of hook and stud options, you can customize your earrings to your preferences and match them to your outfits.

3. Sustainability: By using the 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 service, you can extend the lifespan of your existing earrings and reduce the amount of waste that comes from constantly buying new jewelry.

4. Convenience: With many jewelry stores offering this service, it’s easy to get your earrings replaced on the spot without having to wait for shipping or make an additional trip to the store.


Q. Is it safe to replace the hooks or studs on my earrings?

A. When done properly, replacing the hooks or studs on your earrings is safe and should not damage the earring itself. However, it’s important to choose a reputable jewelry store with experienced staff to ensure that the process is done correctly.

Q. Can I replace the hooks or studs on all types of earrings?

A. As long as the earring features a hook or stud that can be removed, it can typically be replaced. Some earring designs may be more complex than others, but in general, most earrings can be replaced with a new hook or stud.

Q. How much does 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 cost?

A. The cost of 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 varies depending on the jewelry store and the type of hook or stud being replaced. In general, it is an affordable option compared to buying new earrings.

Q. Will the new hook or stud match the earring?

A. When choosing a new hook or stud, it’s important to select one that matches the color and material of the earring as closely as possible. The jewelry store staff should be able to help you choose a suitable option.

Q. Can I choose a different color or material for the hook or stud?

A. Yes, most jewelry stores offer a variety of hook and stud options, including different colors and materials. This allows you to customize your earrings to your preferences and match them to your outfits.

In conclusion, 귀걸이 교체 더쿠 is a popular service in Korea that offers customers a cost-effective, customizable, and sustainable way to update their earring collection. With the ability to replace hooks and studs on almost any type of earring, this service is a convenient and hassle-free way to keep your jewelry up-to-date. As with any jewelry service, it’s important to choose a reputable store with experienced staff to ensure that the process is done safely and correctly.

귀 뚫고 귀걸이 빼기

귀 뚫고 귀걸이 빼기 (Ear Piercing and Earring Removal) is a common practice all around the world, with people using it as a fashion statement or cultural symbol in various regions. In Korea, 귀 뚫기 (ear piercing) has been a trend for centuries and is a rite of passage for many children who turn three years old. Although it’s a common practice that millions of people engage in every day, there are still some things you should know about it, especially when it comes to 귀걸이 빼기 (earring removal).

Types of Ear Piercings

Ear piercing refers to the creation of a hole in the earlobe or cartilage to insert decorative jewelry like earrings. There are multiple types of ear piercings that yield various styles.

1. Lobe Piercing

The lobe piercing is the most standard type of ear piercing, and it refers to the creation of holes in the flesh at the bottom of the ear. This is considered the most acceptable form of ear piercing, and unlike other techniques, it heals the fastest.

2. Cartilage Piercing

Cartilage piercing refers to the creation of holes in the upper part of the ear that is mostly made of cartilage. It’s a popular type of ear piercing, but it takes longer to heal than a lobe piercing.

3. Industrial Piercing

Industrial piercing is somewhat similar to cartilage piercing in that it creates holes in the upper area of the ear. However, industrial piercing involves piercing multiple parts of the ear and connecting them via a single piece of jewelry.

4. Helix Piercing

The helix piercing refers to the creation of holes in the outer rim of the ear, generally above the lobe. It’s a stylish type of ear piercing but it does take a longer time to heal.

5. Daith Piercing

Daith piercing refers to creating a hole in the innermost cartilage fold of the ear. This type of ear piercing has been known for its curative properties for severe headaches and migraines.

How to Remove Earrings in Korea

Now that you know the various types of ear piercings, it’s essential to understand how to remove earrings in Korea. Removing earrings is a crucial step in taking care of your ear piercing, especially if it’s a fresh piercing. Firstly, your hands should be clean, and it’s advisable to use a set of sterile equipment like surgical stainless steel forceps or pushback earring backings.

Method One: Pushback Earring

The most common method of removing earrings in Korea is using a Pushback earring. You push the back of the earring until it pops out. The simplest way to take out a pushback earring is by gently holding the front of the earring and then gently pressing the back of the earring with your fingers. After which they will pop out easily.

Method Two: Butterfly Clasp Earring

Another common method of taking out earrings in Korea is using the butterfly clasp earring. With this method, you use your thumb and index finger to squeeze the butterfly clasp and then pull the earring out at the same time.

Method Three: Screwback Earring

Lastly, we have the screwback earring removal technique. To remove earrings with this method, you need to turn the earring in a counter-clockwise direction to detach it from the earring post. Since screwback earrings have a wide surface area, they tend to last longer in our ears than pushback or butterfly clasp earrings.


Q1: Does ear piercing hurt?

A: Ear piercing should not hurt throughout the process but you should expect some level of discomfort, swelling or bruising after the piercing.

Q2: How do you take care of an ear piercing?

A: Clean the piercing twice a day and rotate the earring every few days just after the piercing is done for at least six weeks.

Q3: When is it safe to switch jewelry after getting a fresh ear piercing?

A: In general, it’s safe to switch your earring after the first two months; however, if you’re unsure, it’s always best to speak to the piercing expert about what is safe for you.

Q5: How to avoid infection when getting an ear piercing?

A: To avoid infection, wash your hands before touching your ear and after cleaning the piercing. Also, avoid swimming for the first few weeks and keep the area as dry as possible to prevent bacteria from collecting.

Q6: What types of ear piercings are popular in Korea?

A: Lobe and cartilage piercings are popular in Korea. Apart from the standard piercings, Helix and Daith piercings are also trendy among the younger generation.


Ear piercing is a fashion statement that many people across the world, including Korea, embrace daily. Understanding how to maintain and remove earrings is essential once you have an ear piercing. By following the right steps, taking care of your ear piercing is a breeze, and with time, you’ll be ready to switch jewelry once the piercing is healed. Always remember to visit an expert to ensure the piercing is done with the utmost care and professionalism.

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Vlog # 캐나다 유학생 ; 공포의 첫 귀걸이 교체 브이로그 ; 설명참고
Vlog # 캐나다 유학생 ; 공포의 첫 귀걸이 교체 브이로그 ; 설명참고

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귀뚫고 귀걸이 바꾸기!!(일주일만에 귀걸이 바꿨어요!!) – Youtube
귀 뚫고 부작용 염증 관리 귀걸이 교체시기 소독
귀 뚫고 부작용 염증 관리 귀걸이 교체시기 소독
귀걸이 교체시기부터 소독까지...귀 뚫은 후 부작용 없으려면? < 패션뷰티 < 라이프 < 기사본문 - 문화뉴스
귀걸이 교체시기부터 소독까지…귀 뚫은 후 부작용 없으려면? < 패션뷰티 < 라이프 < 기사본문 - 문화뉴스
귀 뚫은 곳 고름, 붓기… 부작용 대처법 - 코메디닷컴
귀 뚫은 곳 고름, 붓기… 부작용 대처법 – 코메디닷컴
셀프 귀뚫기 A To Z/귀 뚫을때 주의할점
셀프 귀뚫기 A To Z/귀 뚫을때 주의할점
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체 언제가 좋을까? : 네이버 블로그
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체 언제가 좋을까? : 네이버 블로그
피부과에서는 귀를 어떻게 뚫을까? 세상 안전한 피부과 피어싱, 귀뚫기 소개! - Youtube
피부과에서는 귀를 어떻게 뚫을까? 세상 안전한 피부과 피어싱, 귀뚫기 소개! – Youtube
귀뚫고 귀걸이 첫 교체!!(피어싱 귀걸이) 붕어빵 카페 들어보셨나요? (방문기) ㅣ초코지후제인 - Youtube
귀뚫고 귀걸이 첫 교체!!(피어싱 귀걸이) 붕어빵 카페 들어보셨나요? (방문기) ㅣ초코지후제인 – Youtube
처음으로 귀걸이 빼는 법: 11 단계 (이미지 포함) - Wikihow
처음으로 귀걸이 빼는 법: 11 단계 (이미지 포함) – Wikihow
귀뚫는 꿀팁&관리방법 뷰티팁 By 민트녹차 - 언니의파우치
귀뚫는 꿀팁&관리방법 뷰티팁 By 민트녹차 – 언니의파우치
피어싱은 처음이지?! 가격, 고통, 관리 방법까지 다 알려드릴게요~~!ㅣ피어싱 뚫기 브이로그Vlog - Youtube
피어싱은 처음이지?! 가격, 고통, 관리 방법까지 다 알려드릴게요~~!ㅣ피어싱 뚫기 브이로그Vlog – Youtube
처음으로 귀걸이 빼는 법: 11 단계 (이미지 포함) - Wikihow
처음으로 귀걸이 빼는 법: 11 단계 (이미지 포함) – Wikihow
불법 피어싱·문신,심각한 질병 발생 우려
불법 피어싱·문신,심각한 질병 발생 우려
귀뚫는 꿀팁&관리방법 뷰티팁 By 민트녹차 - 언니의파우치
귀뚫는 꿀팁&관리방법 뷰티팁 By 민트녹차 – 언니의파우치
14K 금으로 귀뚫기 전에 귀걸이 위치 어디 뚫으려고!! 이거 보고 매장가야되!! [이쁜것들]피어싱언니추천! - Youtube
14K 금으로 귀뚫기 전에 귀걸이 위치 어디 뚫으려고!! 이거 보고 매장가야되!! [이쁜것들]피어싱언니추천! – Youtube
피어싱, 안전하게 관리하자! 😻: 5가지 상황별 관리법
피어싱, 안전하게 관리하자! 😻: 5가지 상황별 관리법
이기환의 Hi-Story] 24K 순금만 휘감은 백제 무령왕 부부…신라왕은 금은 합금 선호 - 경향신문
이기환의 Hi-Story] 24K 순금만 휘감은 백제 무령왕 부부…신라왕은 금은 합금 선호 – 경향신문
귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체 시기와 귀 뚫고 관리 방법! : 네이버 블로그
귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체 시기와 귀 뚫고 관리 방법! : 네이버 블로그
귀 뚫고 관리 방법 및 주의사항 알아보기
귀 뚫고 관리 방법 및 주의사항 알아보기
블라인드 | 블라블라: 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체
블라인드 | 블라블라: 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체
이기환의 Hi-Story] 24K 순금만 휘감은 백제 무령왕 부부…신라왕은 금은 합금 선호 - 경향신문
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귀 뚫고 나서 귀걸이 고르는 방법: 12 단계 (이미지 포함) - Wikihow
귀 뚫고 나서 귀걸이 고르는 방법: 12 단계 (이미지 포함) – Wikihow
귀걸이자리소독 - Youtube
귀걸이자리소독 – Youtube
귀 뚫는 총, 귀 뚫는 기계 | 브랜드 중고거래 플랫폼, 번개장터
귀 뚫는 총, 귀 뚫는 기계 | 브랜드 중고거래 플랫폼, 번개장터
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체 언제가 좋을까? : 네이버 블로그
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체 언제가 좋을까? : 네이버 블로그
제니존, 태태존… 스타들의 피어싱 존은 어디? : 29Street
제니존, 태태존… 스타들의 피어싱 존은 어디? : 29Street
귀걸이자리소독 - Youtube
귀걸이자리소독 – Youtube
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체시기 잘 지키는 게 중요해요! : 네이버 블로그
귀뚫고 귀걸이 교체시기 잘 지키는 게 중요해요! : 네이버 블로그
커스튬쥬얼리브랜드 - 현대Hmall
커스튬쥬얼리브랜드 – 현대Hmall

Article link: 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 귀 뚫고 귀걸이 교체.

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