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귀 뚫고 술: 당신이 잊지못할 밤의 기억! (Click Here)

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귀 뚫고 술

귀 뚫고 술: The Cultural Phenomenon of Korean Ear Piercing and Drinking

Korean culture is known for its love of drinking, with socializing and bonding over alcohol being a prominent aspect of business, personal, and romantic relationships. Another popular cultural practice that pairs well with drinking is ear piercing, known as 귀뚫기 (gwitteogi). In recent years, combining the two practices has gained popularity among young people in Korea, and the trend of 귀뚫고 술 (gwitteogo sul) or “ear piercing and drinking” has emerged.

This article will explore the cultural meaning of ear piercing and drinking in Korea, the preparatory steps, types of alcohol that can be consumed after piercing, etiquette and rules to follow, and potential complications and risks associated with it.

귀 뚫고 술: 귀 뚫기 전 준비물 (Pre-requisites of Ear Piercing and Drinking)

Before getting a piercing and drinking in Korea, it is essential to follow certain guidelines and prepare beforehand for a smooth and safe experience. Some of the critical preparatory steps include:

1. Finding the right piercing studio: It is crucial to find a reputable, clean and safe piercing studio. Look for a professional that uses sterilized kits, follows proper hygiene measures and doesn’t reuse needles or piercing guns.

2. Choosing the right earring: For a comfortable and safe piercing experience, it is best to select a high-quality, hypoallergenic earring made of gold, platinum, or surgical steel. Avoid cheap or low-quality materials that can irritate the pierced area or lead to infections.

3. Avoiding alcohol and drugs: Refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs before getting a piercing, as it can affect blood clotting and cause the skin to bleed more during the piercing process.

4. Hydrating: It’s essential to stay hydrated for a few days before getting a piercing as it can help reduce the risk of infection and aid in healing.

귀 뚫기 후 섭취 가능한 술 종류 (Types of Alcohol That Can Be Consumed After Piercing)

After getting an ear piercing, it’s crucial to give your body adequate time to heal and avoid alcohol for a while. The general rule of thumb is to abstain from alcohol after piercing until the ears are fully healed, which can take around 4-6 weeks. However, after the healing period, there are certain types of alcohol that are considered safe and can be consumed.

1. Soju: A distilled alcoholic beverage that is commonly consumed in Korea. It has a mild flavor and is usually served in small shot glasses, making it a popular option for 귀뚫고 술.

2. Beer: A refreshing, lighter beverage that is commonly consumed in Korean culture. It is the go-to drink for many Koreans who enjoy 귀뚫고 술, and it pairs well with various Korean dishes.

3. Makgeolli: a traditional fermented rice wine that is sweet and tangy and is usually served in a large stone bowl. Makgeolli is considered healthier than other alcoholic beverages as it contains probiotics and has a lower alcohol content.

4. Wine: A classic alcoholic beverage that is becoming trendy among young people in Korea. It comes in various flavors and is often accompanied by cheese or meat dishes.

5. Cocktails: A mix of various alcoholic beverages and juice, known for their sweetness and colorful presentation. Cocktails are usually served in Korean bars or clubs and are a popular choice for 귀뚫고 술.

귀 뚫기와 술 마시기 순서 (The Order of Ear Piercing and Drinking)

The process of 귀뚫기 (gwittdoki) typically takes only a few minutes and is usually less painful than most other body piercings. The order of ear piercing and drinking is not predetermined, and it’s up to the preference of the individual. Some people prefer to get a piercing first and then drink, while others prefer to drink first and then get a piercing. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that drinking too much alcohol before piercing can lead to impaired judgment, which can pose a safety risk during the piercing process.

귀 뚫기 후 주의해야 할 술 관련 부작용 (Potential Complications and Risks Associated with Ear Piercing and Drinking)

Although the practice of 귀뚫기 (gwittdoki) and drinking is generally safe and enjoyable, there are potential complications and risks associated with it. Some of the common complications of ear piercing and drinking include:

1. Infection: An infected piercing can occur when the pierced area is not kept clean or is exposed to contaminated objects. Signs of infection can include redness, swelling, pus, and fever.

2. Allergic reactions: Some individuals can have an allergic reaction to the metal in the earrings, causing itching, swelling, and redness in the pierced area.

3. Inflammatory responses: excessive alcohol consumption can lead to inflammation in the pierced area, leading to delayed healing, swelling, and infections.

4. Dizziness: alcohol consumption can cause dizziness, which can lead to difficulty in maintaining balance and potentially harmful actions.

귀 뚫기 후 언제부터 술을 마실 수 있을까? (When Can You Start Drinking After Ear Piercing?)

The recommended waiting time after getting an ear piercing is around 4-6 weeks before consuming any alcohol. The healing process varies depending on the individual and the type of piercing, but it’s essential to follow the aftercare guidelines provided by the piercing studio to ensure a safe healing process.

귀 뚫기와 술의 문화적 의미 (The Cultural Significance of Ear Piercing and Drinking)

In Korean culture, ear piercing and drinking have significant cultural meanings. Historically, ear piercing was used as a way to ward off evil spirits, promote healing and signify a transition from childhood to adulthood. Drinking is a social activity that is considered a way to bond and create lasting relationships with colleagues, friends, and family. Combining the two practices is symbolic of the way that Korean culture balances traditional and modern practices to create and cultivate its unique identity.

귀 뚫기와 술에서의 예절과 준수해야 할 규칙들 (Etiquette and Rules to Follow for Ear Piercing and Drinking)

For a safe and enjoyable experience, it’s essential to follow certain rules and etiquette guidelines when it comes to ear piercing and drinking in Korea. Here are some of the common practices:

1. Show respect and gratitude to the piercing studio and staff for their service.

2. Refrain from consuming alcohol before getting a piercing to avoid any potential hazards.

3. Avoid excessive drinking or inappropriate behavior when consuming alcohol during or after piercing, respecting the establishment and the people around you.

4. Keep the newly pierced area clean and follow aftercare guidelines provided by the piercing studio to avoid any infections or complications.

5. Be mindful of the alcohol consumption amount, particularly during the healing process, to avoid any potential complications.


1. Can you drink alcohol before getting an ear piercing in Korea?

It is not recommended to consume alcohol before getting a piercing as it can affect blood clotting and cause the skin to bleed more during the piercing process.

2. What types of alcohol are safe to drink after getting an ear piercing?

After the healing process, safe types of alcohol include soju, beer, makgeolli, wine and cocktails.

3. How long should you wait to drink alcohol after getting an ear piercing?

It is recommended to wait around 4-6 weeks after getting an ear piercing before consuming any alcohol.

4. Are there any potential risks or complications associated with ear piercing and drinking in Korea?

Yes, potential risks include infection, allergic reactions, inflammatory responses, and dizziness. It’s crucial to follow aftercare guidelines and drink in moderation.

5. What are the etiquette guidelines and rules to follow for ear piercing and drinking in Korea?

Etiquette guidelines include showing respect and gratitude to the piercing studio staff, avoiding drinking before piercing, keeping the pierced area clean, and being mindful of alcohol consumption amounts.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 귀 뚫고 술 피어싱 후 술, 피어싱 당일 술, 귀 염증 술, 귀뚫고 담배, 귀 뚫고 언제 부터, 귓바퀴 피어싱 술, 술 마시고 귀 뚫기, 귀 뚫고 관리

Categories: Top 44 귀 뚫고 술

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피어싱 후 술

피어싱 후 술: 개인 적인 결정

피어싱은 대체로 청소년 및 어린이들에서는 피하고 있습니다. 그러나 어른들 사이에서는 일반적인 문화로 자리 잡으며, 정서나 개인적 취향을 반영하는 문화 또한 있는 것 같습니다. 피어싱은 관심과 호기심으로부터 출발하여 진행되며, 누구나 자신이 원하는 부위에 피어싱을 할 수 있는 시대가 되었습니다. 그치만 피어싱 후 술을 마시면 위험성이 최대화됩니다.

피어싱 후 술은 왜 위험한가?

피어싱 후, 특히 알코올과 함께 마시는 경우에는 다양한 위험범위가 있습니다. 일반적으로 피어싱 후 술을 마시면 인체의 면역력은 낮아지게 됩니다. 그래서 감염의 위험성이 높아져서, 신체적인 결함이 있거나 혹은 결과적으로 피부의 트러블 역시 발생할 수 있습니다.

또한 가장 큰 위험인 독주에 대한 예방조치가 필요합니다. 술에 비례하여 체중이 낮은 사람이나 마시기 전에 간단한 음식을 먹지 않은 사람은 더욱 위험합니다. 토할 경우 피어싱을 한 부위의 염증, 또는 눈부신 피어싱 소재에 민감할 수 있으므로, 직접 보건 의료 적 생활 습관을 갖는게 좋습니다.

그리고 심각한 문제중 하나인 수면장애가 필요하지 않습니다. 피어싱 후 술을 마시는 경우 몸이 평소와 달라지게 되어 백프로 활동을 할 수 없습니다. 아무래도 사람마다 타고난 노하우와 인수력이 다르기 때문입니다. 피어싱이나 다른 신체 장식, 악세사리가 있다면 가끔 끼어서 무거워지기 마련이기 때문에, 적시에 결과적인 태만이라는 실수는 방지할 수 없습니다.

한편, 정신적인 문제도 예방해야 할 요소입니다. 피어싱으로 인해 상처를 봤거나, 완치가 되지 않는 상화도 생길 수 있습니다. 술과 함께 피어싱의 부위를 마사지하여 커버리 등 종류의 다양한 방법을 사용하면 체력은 유지됩니다.

피어싱 후 술 취하면 일어날 수 있는 현상

피어싱 후 술을 마시면 일반적으로 예상할 수 있는 증상은 다음과 같습니다.

1. 피부 트러블: 술 또는 알코올에 민감한 피부 트러블을 일으킬 수 있습니다. 이 경우에는 론즈나 마스크를 잘 착용하고 식습격의 개입을 막아야 합니다.

2. 배부름: 엑세서리를 넣을 부위가 있는 사람들은 술로 인해 섭취 생활의 변화가 생길 수 있습니다. 이러한 경우 수면 작용과 함께 배부름의 위험이 증가됩니다.

3. 기분의 변화: 그치만 알코올이 인체에 취함에 따라 걱정한 경우 기분의 변화가 일어날 수 있습니다. 기분의 염증, 불안감 등이 발생할 수 있으며, 역시 관리되어야 합니다.

4. 수면유도제: 알코올이 수면 유도제 역할을 하기도 합니다. 하지만 술 마신 후, 적절한 잠을 잘 않은 경우 좀처럼 몸이 쉬지 않는 경우가 많아지기 때문에 이러한 경우는 더욱 조심해서 관리해야 합니다.

피어싱 후 술의 방지법

피어싱 후 술의 위험을 막기 위해서는 다음과 같은 방지법을 고려해야 합니다.

1. 준비 시기를 잡으세요: 피어싱할 부위를 잘 선택하십시오. 혹은 마시지 않도록 수련해야할 부위도 선택해 제거하십시오. 피어싱 후 술을 마시게 된다면 어떤 부위에 피어싱을 한 것인지, 적절하게 환형 준비를 해야합니다.

2. 운동과 동시에 서서히 술을 마시세요: 속도는 천천히, 체중이 낮은 사람이나 저온의 사람은 국가에 맞게 확인하며 마셔야합니다. 그리고 술과 함께 건강한 음식을 제공하여, 체력의 변화를 크게 만들지 않도록 해야합니다.

3. 술을 깨끗하게 마시세요: 실망하면 욕실로 가화번도 될 수 있고, 부작용이나 민감한 상황에서도 마실 수 없습니다. 또한, 피어싱을 한 곳에 술이 튀겨지지 않도록 하세요.


Q1: 피어싱 후 술을 준비하는 경우 무엇을 해야 할까요?

A1: 피어싱은 물론 적당한 시간이 필요합니다. 준비 도중에는 일종의 단계를 거쳐야 하며, 혼란스러워지지 말도록 밥 먹기 전에 준비를 했다면 좋겠습니다.

Q2: 피어싱 후 술을 마시러 갈 때는 무엇을 챙겨야 하나요?

A2: 적합한 옷, 마스크, 소독집 간 식사 및 핸드클린 등이 있으면 좋습니다. 또한, 피어싱의 장소 및 상황과 상호작용하는 악세사리 등도 준비해두세요.

Q3: 피어싱 후, 알코올을 많이 마셔도 되나요?

A3: 아니요, 마시기 전에 토란해 자신의 강도를 확인해야하며, 속도도 천천히 마셔야합니다. 체중이 낮거나 면역력이 취약한 분들은 더욱 주의해야합니다.

Q4: 술을 마시면 좋은 팁이 있나요?

A4: 술을 마시면서 먹는 음식과 함께 쓰지마세요. 또한, 술의 양과 음료수, 이동에 도움을 주는 물건, 그리고 지키기 쉬운 산책장과 같은 장소를 찾아가세요.

Q5: 피어싱 후 술을 마신 다음날은 어떻게 대처해야하나요?

A5: 대개의 경우 꾸준한 유산균의 섭취와 적절한 식사량을 복합적으로 보충하여, 입맛을 돋우고 기력을 회복하는 것이 좋습니다. 이러한 경우 술의 양과 종류 및 피어싱 후 너무 몸조심하기 같은 것도 좋습니다.

피어싱 당일 술

피어싱 당일 술, also known as piercings and alcohol in the same day, is a topic that has been heavily debated among those in the piercing community. While there are varying opinions on the matter, it’s important to truly understand the potential risks and consequences that come with drinking alcohol after getting a piercing.

The dangers of alcohol

Alcohol is a common go-to for many individuals after getting a piercing as a way to ease the pain and relax. However, drinking alcohol after getting a piercing, particularly on the same day, can increase the risk of complications. Alcohol can thin the blood and impair the body’s natural clotting mechanisms, making it more difficult for the body to stop bleeding.

Furthermore, alcohol can dehydrate the body, making it harder for the piercing to heal. When the body is dehydrated, it can impede the body’s natural healing process, allowing for bacteria to grow and cause infection. Alcohol consumption can also lead to an increase in inflammation around the piercing site, which can further delay or impede the healing process.

One of the biggest dangers of drinking alcohol after getting a piercing is that it can impair judgment and lead to poor decision-making. This can result in individuals touching their piercing with dirty hands or attempting to change the jewelry before the piercing is fully healed. This can increase the risk of infection and prolong healing time.

The importance of aftercare

Aftercare is one of the most critical aspects of getting a piercing, particularly if you plan on drinking alcohol afterwards. Proper aftercare involves cleaning the piercing site, avoiding touching the piercing with dirty hands, and avoiding activities that could cause irritation or damage to the piercing.

If you plan on drinking alcohol after getting a piercing, it’s important to make sure that you have a plan in place for proper aftercare. This may involve having someone else help you with aftercare if you are unable to do so yourself.


1. Can I drink alcohol after getting a piercing?

While it’s not recommended, it may be possible to drink alcohol after getting a piercing. However, it’s important to exercise caution and ensure that you are following proper aftercare procedures to avoid any complications.

2. How long should I wait to drink alcohol after getting a piercing?

It’s recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours after getting a new piercing. This will allow your body to start the natural healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

3. What are the potential risks of drinking alcohol after getting a piercing?

Drinking alcohol after getting a piercing can thin the blood, impair the body’s clotting mechanisms, and increase the risk of bleeding and infection. Alcohol can also dehydrate the body and impede the natural healing process, leading to prolonged healing time.

4. Can I drink alcohol while my piercing is healing?

It’s not recommended to drink alcohol while the piercing is healing. Alcohol can delay the healing process and increase the risk of infection.

5. Can I drink alcohol after getting multiple piercings?

While it may be possible to drink alcohol after getting multiple piercings, it’s important to remember that each piercing will require its own proper aftercare. It’s important to pay attention to each piercing individually and follow proper aftercare procedures to avoid any complications.


In conclusion, getting a piercing and drinking alcohol on the same day can have potential risks and complications. Drinking alcohol can thin the blood and impair the body’s clotting mechanisms, making it harder for the body to stop bleeding. Alcohol can also dehydrate the body and increase the risk of infection, delaying the natural healing process. It’s important to remember that proper aftercare is critical for a successful and healthy piercing, particularly if you plan on drinking alcohol afterwards. Always follow proper aftercare procedures and consult with your piercer if you have any concerns about drinking alcohol after getting a piercing.

귀 염증 술

귀 염증 술, also known as ear infection alcohol, has become increasingly popular in South Korea as a home remedy for treating ear infections. However, its efficacy and safety have been debated among medical professionals and the general public alike. This article aims to explore the topic of 귀 염증 술 in detail, discussing what it is, how it is made, its presumed benefits, and potential risks.

What is 귀 염증 술?

귀 염증 술 is essentially homemade alcohol used for treating ear infections. It is typically made by soaking garlic and other herbs in rice wine or soju for several days to several weeks. After the mixture is infused, it is then strained and used as drops for the ear.

How is 귀 염증 술 made?

There are several variations of the recipe for making 귀 염증 술, but the most common ingredients include garlic, angelica root, perilla leaves, and white rice wine or soju. To make the alcohol solution, the ingredients are washed and cleaned, cut into small pieces, and added to a jar of alcohol. The jar is then stored in a cool and dark place for a period of several days to several weeks, depending on the desired level of infusion. After the mixture is fully infused, it is then strained several times to remove any solid particles, and the liquid is used as drops for the ear.

What are the presumed benefits of 귀 염증 술?

Advocates of 귀 염증 술 claim that it is an effective and natural home remedy for treating ear infections. Garlic, which is one of the main ingredients, has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic due to its active compounds, including allicin and alliin. Angelica root is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and helps to alleviate pain and swelling. Perilla leaves, on the other hand, are rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids that support the immune system.

Proponents of 귀 염증 술 argue that it is a safer and more affordable alternative to conventional medicine, as it does not contain any synthetic chemicals or antibiotics that could cause adverse side effects. Moreover, 귀 염증 술 is said to be more effective than conventional treatments, as it targets the root cause of the infection rather than just hiding the symptoms.

What are the potential risks of using 귀 염증 술?

Despite its purported benefits, there are also potential risks associated with using 귀 염증 술. First and foremost, the alcohol content in the solution can cause burning or irritation to the ear canal, particularly if the ear drum is perforated or damaged. Using 귀 염증 술 excessively or incorrectly can also lead to hearing loss, tinnitus, or even damage to the facial nerves.

Another risk is the possibility of contamination or infection, as homemade solutions are not sterile and may not be free from harmful bacteria or other microorganisms. Moreover, using 귀 염증 술 instead of seeking medical attention for a severe or persistent infection can result in more serious health complications, including hearing loss, meningitis, or brain abscess.

FAQs About 귀 염증 술

1. Is 귀 염증 술 suitable for everyone?

No, 귀 염증 술 is not suitable for everyone, particularly those with sensitive or damaged ear canals, perforated ear drums, or a history of ear surgery. Pregnant or lactating women should also avoid using 귀 염증 술, as the alcohol content may have adverse effects on fetal development or nursing infants.

2. Does 귀 염증 술 really work?

While there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of 귀 염증 술, anecdotal evidence suggests that it may help to alleviate the symptoms of mild ear infections, such as pain and swelling. However, more severe or persistent infections require medical attention, and 귀 염증 술 should not be used as a substitute for conventional treatments.

3. How should I use 귀 염증 술?

To use 귀 염증 술, tilt your head to one side, and position the ear with the infection facing upwards. Then, use a dropper to add a few drops of the solution into the ear canal, making sure that the drops reach the infected area. Gently massage the earlobe to help the solution spread throughout the ear canal. Repeat the process 2-3 times a day, as needed.

4. How long does it take for 귀 염증 술 to work?

The effectiveness of 귀 염증 술 varies depending on the severity and type of infection, as well as individual factors such as age, immune system status, and overall health. Mild infections may show improvement within a few days, while more severe infections may take several weeks to resolve. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and to seek medical attention if the symptoms do not improve or worsen.


While 귀 염증 술 may offer some relief for mild ear infections, it is important to exercise caution when using homemade remedies and to seek medical attention for more serious or persistent infections. 귀 염증 술 may be a natural and affordable alternative to conventional medicine, but it also carries risks and should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Ultimately, effective prevention and treatment of ear infections rely on proper hygiene, timely medical intervention, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

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